Meet Joe Mayer

Joe Mayer has been in agency recruiting since 2007. He has worked for three of the largest staffing companies before going on to start his own firm, Permanent Placements. Joe has held a position at every level (Recruiter, Account Manager, Branch Manager, Regional Manager, Executive Vice President, and CEO). His background as a mentor and trainer for hundreds of staffing professionals throughout his career helped in ingraining proven recruiting processes at (2) billion-dollar staffing firms and (1) hundred-million-dollar staffing firm. His experience in business process improvement within the recruiting industry gave him valuable insights into the how, the why, and the ability to solve complex problems by addressing the root cause for many of the staffing challenges. Job Board Aggregator is the solution designed by Joe to solve many of those challenges and will help your organization address them head on!

A man in suit and tie smiling for the camera.